【同义词辨析】 2017-09-11 猛拽jerk-yank

jerk: stresses suddenness and abruptness, and may imply a movement both graceless AND forceful: gave the dog's leash a quick ~.

snap: a sharp quick action that is abruptly terminated, as in biting, seizing, or breaking: the crododile ~ at the child but missed.

twitch: applies to a quick, light and spasmodic movement that oft. combines tugging and jerking: the sleeping cat, its body ~ as it dreamt.

yank: a quick and heavy pulling and tugging:~ bedcloth over his head.

生词tug: 猛拉,拽 : I felt a tug at my sleeve. 我感到袖子被拽了一下。

jerk: 强调突然用力的动作, snap: 强调突然停止的一下动作, 如抓咬折断, twitch: 轻快间歇的动作(还表示猛地拉动tug & jerk) yank: 快速用力的拉拽。

记忆方法:1) 首字母联想SJTY: 使劲推呀

          2)猛拽的意思是突然动作mean to make a sudden sharp quick movement.